Wednesday 7 December 2011

The Countdown Begins

It's the seventh day of December and we have all woken up and realised Christmas is coming and Oh Oh! there is lots of work to be done. What an exciting time for some, particularly the youngin's. Santa still comes to our house and decorates the house with balloons and streamers, every Christmas Eve, while everyone sleeps!! Our daughter is 16 and still enjoys waking up in the morning to see what he has put on display this time. Its a good year this year cause Christmas falls on a Sunday, so we will have time to get to our families safely.

Everyone is finding time to decorate there pressies beautifully this year. Ribbon has run out the door and we are getting more shipped in from far and wide. We were caught by suprise but we have more arriving within the week. Here is a sample of some of Alicia's Christmas wrappings.

Alicia has been very busy making an absolutely gorgeous wreath with Yo Yo's. She has patience that far exceeds mine, to sit there and produce over 200. It is nearly finished and it has certainly been worth the effort, cause it truly is very special and I can't stop admiring it and showing it of to our customers. Alicia may add a final touch of White Pearl Head Pins to each Yo Yo, but she just have to find some time to have a play.

I have been making a Melly and Me chicken pattern, called "Clucky", but I have down sized it to make a pin cushion. She is a thank you present for a very special Teacher at Esperance High School. Mrs Chambers is a Textile Teacher whom teaches my daughter to sew. I call her Mother Hen, as she truly cares for all her girls that pass through her textile room. My daughter has had some crazy moments with the sewing machine. Hence the unpicker tucked up nicely in one wing and the little chicken, (my daughter) tucked up safely in the other. "Pins! She must have pins!" My daughter cried as I was making Mother Hen. "Mrs Chambers always pins and unpicks for me so please add some pins." This is how "Mother Hen" nee "Clucky" became a pin cushion. Mrs Chambers has shared her passion for sewing, and passed on this passion to many of her girls. She is well respected and loved by all and she frequently bounces her way into Create and See with  a smile on her face. She is an absolute gem and Katie, my daughter has been privileged to be under her wing.